Whether you choose to install cameras that are wired or wireless, IP or Analog they can increase your business security by letting you check in on your property from wherever you are, see a live feed inside your shop, warehouse, or yard right on a smartphone or computer, and you can get immediate alerts for any unusual activity.

While the number of burglaries in the US have gone down, likely to the increase of security camera installations, burglary offenses suffered an estimated $3.0 billion in property losses in 2019. These studies indicate that although burglary rates are dropping, more valuable items are being stolen. This makes security cameras an invaluable tool to protect your business.

Security cameras are a an excellent deterrent to criminals. However, security cameras are not just great crime stoppers. Many business owners use them to ensure safe work practices and guidelines are adhered too. This “big brother – eye in the sky” may not sit well with some as they may see it as an invasion of privacy; which leads us to our next point.

Privacy is a big buzz word these days and installing cameras around your office or workspace may leave your employees feeling uneasy. If policing your staff isn’t your intent then focusing your cameras towards doors, entrances, or other areas of interest will likely cause no backlash. However, if you are wanting to make sure your employees are doing what they are supposed to do there are some things you can do to soften the blow. You can approach it from a safety standpoint. You can ensure your employees that the cameras are there to prove they are operating in the safest possible way that that they are there to provide irrefutable proof that they are doing it right. Another thing you can do is to provide bonuses for anyone caught on camera going above and beyond. There is always ways to inspire and encourage your teams.

Something to keep in mind is if you the Security Camera System you are considering also records audio. Recording someone’s conversation without their knowledge – even on your own property – you could be breaking the law, depending on where you live. According to federal law, as long as you’re a party to the conversation and you consent to it being recorded, it doesn’t matter what the other parties think. However, several states have two-party consent laws that make it illegal to record audio conversations without the consent of everyone involved. If you’re not participating in a conversation at all, it’s almost always illegal. It is always a good idea to let visitors know when they are being recorded and consider posting notices on your property indicating it’s being surveilled by video and auido recording technology. Another thing to keep in mind is that specific features such as facial recognition are illegal in some states. Check the applicable laws where you live.

Another drawback is that business security camera systems can be costly and it is tempting to opt for the cheapest option. While this is a logical and frugal choice it can often cost you more in the long run. Many of the “affordable” cameras on the market are manufactured with subpar components and sold to resellers trying to make a quick buck. Many of these systems are not reliable. Either their hardware fails or their software is compromised. (view a list of US banned companies) On March 9, 2021 CNBC reported, “A group of hackers say they breached a massive trove of security-camera data collected by Silicon Valley startup Verkada Inc., gaining access to live feeds of 150,000 surveillance cameras inside hospitals, companies, police departments, prisons and schools.”

This is such a hard question to answer because it all depends our your specific needs. That is why we offer complete custom system design for free! Continuous video recording, also called 24/7 recording may be extremely important to you and not someone else. Or you may need the ability to detect motion or start recording when someone or something crosses a line or enters a specific area. Or maybe you need the ability to capture license plates. Or maybe you need to ability to control your cameras remotely through a PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) controller. Or maybe you need your camera to be explosion proof! Yah…we’ve got that!