About Us
Who is Rugged Cams?
Rugged Cams is a Manufacturer and Distributor of digital security equipment located near Dallas, Texas.
Rugged Cams has been in business since 1993 and owes their success to their excellent customer service and
security products that soar above the rest of the security industry.
Rugged Cams owners have had first hand experience in the car wash, gas station and Laundromats industries.
By owning these businesses it gives our engineers the leg up on the competition. These experiences have led
our engineers to build better products and solutions for the needs of operators and owners.
Rugged Cams manufactures and/or Assembles an extensive and growing line of security cameras and digital
video recorders to accomplish many tasks at all types of remote and unattended sites.
We also manufacture many products that are not represented on this website because we have licensed these
products out to OEM’s for exclusive marketing rights.
Meet our team
Get a Free System Design & Quote.
All we need is a site plan or pictures and we will design a complete system to match your needs & unique problems.
- It's Fast (most quotes within 24 hours)
- It's Free (No Obligation)
- It's Professional (We will assign a design engineer specifically for your property)